Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dungeon Master Class (Huh. I see what you did there)

Hey Internet!

The idea for this post came from one of our commenters. To paraphrase, he essentially wrote that he wanted to run a game for his family but that he was not a great DM. That got me thinking. How many people have I met, who've said more or less exactly the same thing? The answer is quite a few.

As I’m sure our regular readers/listeners already know, I love games. I believe that games are one of the best if not one of the only mediums whereby large groups of people can equally collaborate in a creative space. I believe games make peoples lives better. It’s the reason I write this blog and make this podcast.

So, I got to thinking. If there are really all these people out there who want to run games but feel for whatever reason they can’t or will perform poorly (specifically, I am referring to aspiring DMs) why don’t I do something to help them? So I am.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is my great pleasure to announce the Conquest or Calamity School for People Who Want to DM but Are Afraid They’ll Suck. (CoCPWWDMAATS) Obviously that acronym is a joke. Sheesh. Get a sense of humor, people.

So every week Sir William, Sarah, and Myself will be writing extensively to help you feel more like us! Because everyone should be able to play games. Even you. Yes you.

We’ll see you tomorrow for your first lesson! (Your homework is to listen to at least one podcast.)

- James


  1. I'm running a game for my daughter's birthday (a family 1-shot). I'm going all out stealing nothing but the greatest story content from movies she's never seen (Princess Bride, Krull, Seven Samurai, Star Wars...I'm looking at you). I'm ready for lessons! =)

  2. Quit selling, Man. We all already know you're father of the year. One time I ran a one off for a group of first time players, wherein the theme was University of Alabama football. NPC Trent Richardson killed an alien with his helmet but the ref threw him out for targeting. ;)
